Travel company
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Elephant Nature Park

Thailand. Koggalla, 0.7km
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Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand

Elephant Nature Park is an elephant rescue and rehabilitation center where you can volunteer or visit to help. It is a sanctuary that takes in formerly abused or orphaned elephants. Here, the elephants are free to live life on their own terms and get to interact with one another at their own pace. The public is educated about the abuse experienced by elephants in the tourism industry. The tours offered in the sanctuary, give visitors the chance to see elephants in a manner that contributes to their protection rather than their abuse. Here you can feed and wash the elephants, with friendly and limited contact. According to visitor reviews, bathing with or washing the elephants simply means throwing buckets with water while the elephants enjoy some food. The

Amount of freedom
Personal space
Contact with humans
Quality of life
Organisation mission statement
Organizational transparancy


Annika Aerts

I visited the Elephant Nature Park Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipsisccing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Annika Aerts

Fusce a sem eu massa consequat posuere vitae et turpis. Mauris id nulla quis dui blandit sagittis sit amet ac lectus. Sed rhoncus, leo sollicitudin scelerisque porta, quam leo interdum quam, vitae efficitur mi lectus et ante. Nunc ligula dui, bibendum quis lacus eu, finibus accumsan odio. Nam in semper mi. Morbi viverra pulvinar lorem, et bibendum mi ultricies eu. Vivamus sagittis mauris laoreet lacus placerat, ut sagittis metus pharetra. Integer posuere elit augue, ac luctus urna mollis mattis. In nisl mauris, mollis in lectus et, sodales posuere est. Maecenas sodales, arcu vitae cursus gravida, nisi quam laoreet nisi, ac lacinia nibh urna a ipsum. Proin ac nisl semper, sodales neque ut, auctor mi. Nullam fringilla id libero in laoreet.